
Poème lyrique · Invention · Nocturne First Edition 詩曲 創意曲夜曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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這裡首次出版的作品非常有趣,尤其是因為它們代表了兩個創作時期: 抒情詩》(Poème lyrique)寫於 1910 年代,證明了作曲家對自身風格的深入探索。發明》和《夜曲》於 1935 年在莫斯科創作,它們是作曲家在政治壓力下以更易理解、不那麼前衛的方式進行創作的見證。羅斯拉維茲曾在莫斯科學習作曲和小提琴。他是 20 世紀 20 年代音樂界的領軍人物之一。他曾在莫斯科學習作曲和小提琴,是 20 世紀 20 年代音樂界的領軍人物之一。由於政治原因,他受到越來越多的敵視,甚至被禁止從事音樂事業,在貧困中度過了生命的最後歲月

作曲家: Roslavets, Nikolai Andreyevich
編者: Lobanova, Marina
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
The compositions published here for the first time are highly interesting, especially because they represent two creative periods: Poème lyrique was written in the 1910s and is a proof of the composer's intensive search for his own style. Invention and Nocturne were composed in Moscow in 1935, they are testimonies to the political pressure exerted on the composer to write in a more comprehensible, less avant-garde way. All three pieces are ideal for music lessons, yet also effective on the stage.Roslawez studied composition and violin in Moscow. He was one of the leading figures of the musical scene in the 1920s. Treated with increasing hostility for political reasons, up to being barred from pursuing his career, he spent the last years of his life in poverty.

頁數: 44
重量(g): 180
ISMN: 9790001170369

