Poem op. 80 for Violoncello and 13 Solo Strings 胡麥爾.貝托爾德 大提琴 弦樂器 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
作曲家: Hummel, Bertold
樂器: cello and 13 solo-strings
出版社: Schott Music
The content and formal structure of the two-movement Poem have been subjectively borrowed from the poem Steps [Stufen] by Hermann Hesse. The frequently appearing short motifs in both parts of the work are based in magic formulaic style on the parable of the Glass Bead Game which in the ring for the game with coloured beads becomes a game with symbols.Magic and dreams, a sense of departure and grievance and valediction and transfiguration are the moods which follow one another, frequently in rapid succession fundamentally the thirst for life and the yearning for sorrow and consummation.