
Pieces De Clavecin Vol.4 (lp24) (harpsichord Solo) 庫普蘭‧弗朗索瓦 大鍵琴 小品

$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD
$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD

"大鍵琴作品 - 第 4 卷,LP.24 由弗朗索瓦-庫佩蘭(Francois Couperin)創作,是四卷大鍵琴組曲系列中的第四卷。 本卷出版於 1930 年,即庫珀林去世前三年,當時他病重,最初出現了一些小錯誤和白頁。這一卷收錄了從第20到第27章的7個章節,共43首樂曲。 本冊由肯尼斯-吉伯特(Kenneth Gilbert)編輯,適合中高級演奏者。 弗朗索瓦-庫佩蘭是一位非常著名的法國作曲家,曾演奏大鍵琴和管風琴。他出身於音樂世家,綽號 "偉大的庫珀林"(Couperin le Grand)

作曲家: François Couperin
樂器: Harpsichord
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Harpsichord work - Volume 4, LP.24 by Francois Couperin is the fourth in a series of 4 volumes of suites for Harpsichord. Published in 1930, three years before Couperins death, when he was very ill, this volume initially presented some small mistakes and some white pages. It features seven Ordres, from the 20th to the 27th, with a total of 43 pieces. For upper-intermediate players, this volume was edited by Kenneth Gilbert. François Couperin was a very famous French composer who played the Harpsichord, the Organ. Coming from a famous family of musicians, he was nicknamed Couperin le Grand (”“Couperin the Great”“).”

頁數: 140
重量(g): 538.65
UPC: 888680844363

