Pieces De Clavecin (lp54)/volume 1 小品
讓-亨利-德-昂格爾貝(1629-1691 年)是當時最傑出的鍵盤音樂作曲家之一。因此,他的作品集《大鍵琴小品》是所有早期巴羅克鍵盤音樂演奏者的必備之選。 德-安格爾貝爾的《大鍵琴小品》代表了法國大鍵琴流派最傑出的成就,展現了作曲家對對位法的精湛技藝,以及他嘗試用織體表現管弦樂音色的能力。此外,d'Anglebert 的作品集還包含一個裝飾音表,它是 J. S. 巴赫和其他重要作曲家的裝飾音表的基礎。大鍵琴小品》的第一卷包括四首由 d'Anglebert 創作的大鍵琴組曲,每首組曲都由通常的舞蹈樂章和盧利歌劇的轉錄曲組成。此外,第一、第二和第三組曲中的三首無伴奏前奏曲也是同類作品中的佼佼者。d'Anglebert 的《大鍵琴小品》第一卷附有法文、英文和德文的描述性序言,是早期巴羅克鍵盤音樂曲目中的精品"
樂器: Harpsichord
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Jean-Henri d'Anglebert (1629-1691) was one of the foremost composers of Keyboard music of his day. Therefore, the collection of his works, Pieces for Harpsichord is essential to all players of early Baroque Keyboard music. D'Anglebert's Pieces for Harpsichord represents some of the finest achievements of the French Harpsichord school and shows the composer's mastery of counterpoint as well as his ability to experiment with texture to achieve orchestral sonority. Moreover, d'Anglebert's collection contains a table of ornaments which formed the basis of those of J. S. Bach and other significant composers. The first volume of Pieces for Harpsichord comprises four Harpsichord Suites composed by d'Anglebert, each of which consist of the usual dance movements together with transcriptions from Lully's operas. Furthermore, the three unmeasured preludes included in Suites one, two and three are truly remarkable examples of their kind. With a descriptive preface in French, English and German, volume one of d'Anglebert's Pieces for Harpsichord is a sublime addition to the repertoire of early Baroque Keyboard music.”