Pieces Celebres Vol.1: Easy (violin & Piano) 小提琴 鋼琴 小品
"巴黎小提琴家喬治-凱薩琳(Georges Catherine,1872-1958 年)為小提琴曲目增添了令人興奮的作品。包括舒曼、拉莫、呂利、亨德爾、庫佩林、伯德、貝多芬和巴赫的作品,凱薩琳確保將巴羅克流派中最優秀的小提琴作品彙編成冊。 在其彙編的第一卷《小提琴與鋼琴名曲》中,凱薩琳為小提琴抄錄並改編了各個時代偉大作曲家的著名作品,並確保進行必要的補充和編輯。曲目包括盧利的《良家婦女》中的選曲,以及 J. S. 巴赫的選曲和吉格舞曲。凱薩琳所做的改動包括發音、樂句、速度標記、力度和其他演奏指導。喬治-凱薩琳編著的《小提琴與鋼琴名曲》為小提琴初學者提供了極好的曲目擴充,確保學生從樂器學習一開始就能從偉大作曲家的作品中獲得靈感""
樂器: Violin
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Parisian violinist Georges Catherine (1872-1958) compiles an exciting addition to the Violin repertoire. Including pieces by Schumann, Rameau, Lully, Handel, Couperin, Byrd, Beethoven and Bach, Catherine ensures that the best Violin works of the Baroque genre are compiled in one essential volume. In the first volume of his compilation, Famous Pieces for Violin and Piano, Catherine transcribes and arranges famous works by the great composers of all eras for the Violin, ensuring that necessary additions and edits are made. Pieces include Lully's Menuet from Les Bourgeois Gentilhomme and a J. S. Bach Menuet and Gigue. The changes by Catherine include articulation, phrasing, tempo marks, dynamics and other performance directions. Famous Pieces for Violin and Piano, compiled by Georges Catherine, provides excellent expansion to the repertoire of Violin beginners, ensuring that students are inspired by the works of the great composers from the start of their instrumental study.”