Solo de Concours (trombone And Piano) 小品 長號 鋼琴
"《Solo de concours》由保羅-韋龍日-德-拉-努斯(Paul Véronge de la Nux)創作,是一首為長號和鋼琴伴奏而作的曲目,最初是為巴黎音樂學院比賽而作。這首曲子非常適合展示中高級演奏者的能力。 鋼琴伴奏的開頭聽起來略帶戲劇性,但樂曲旋律優美,帶有一絲懷舊的味道。隨後,長號獨奏引入第二部分,激烈、有力、快速。鋼琴隨後與長號一起演奏最後一部分,節奏更快,樂句更長,要求相當高。音樂聽起來更加歡快,最後以和諧結束。 樂曲長達五到六分鐘。 保羅-韋龍日-德拉努斯(1853-1911 年)是法國作曲家。他曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,並於 1876 年獲得羅馬大獎""
作曲家: Veronge De La
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Pieces Of Contest
“Composed by Paul Véronge de la Nux, Solo de concours is a piece for Trombone and Piano accompaniment initially written for the the Paris Conservatoire contest. It is ideal to demonstrate the abilities of upper-intermediate players. The beginning by the Piano sounds slightly dramatic but the piece turns out to be really melodious, with a hint of nostalgia. A second part is then introduced, fierceful, stronger and faster with the Trombone Solo. The Piano then joins the Trombone for the last part, quite demanding with a faster rhythm and long phrases. The music sounds more cheerful, and leads to a harmonious end. The piece lasts between five and six minutes. Paul Véronge de la Nux (1853-1911) was a French composer. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire and received the Grand Prix de Rome in 1876.”