
Piece In Eb Minor (bass Trombone, Piano) 小品 低音長號 長號

$1,140TWD - $1,140TWD
$1,140TWD - $1,140TWD

"約瑟夫-蓋伊-羅帕茲(Joseph Guy Ropartz)創作的《降E小調作品》被認為是最難演奏的長號獨奏曲之一,融合了浪漫主義和印象派的影響。這首曲子需要很強的耐力:從第一頁的一半之後開始的第二部分是最難的運行,此時大多數演奏者已經開始缺乏耐力! 這首曲子非常適合演奏會和高級演奏家的考試,在演奏時加強呼吸能力將大有裨益。 約瑟夫-蓋伊-羅帕茲(Joseph Guy Ropartz)是法國作曲家和指揮家。他創作了小提琴奏鳴曲、大提琴奏鳴曲、絃樂四重奏、鋼琴三重奏、弦樂三重奏和五部交響曲。他還寫過一些詩歌""

作曲家: Joseph-Guy Ropartz
樂器: Trombone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Piece In EB Minor

“Considered as one of the hardest works for solo Trombone, Piece in Eb minor by Joseph Guy Ropartz is a mix of Romantic and Impressionist influences. This piece requires a strong endurance: the second part starting after the half of the first page shows the hardest run, when most players would already start lacking of endurance! Great piece for recitals and exams for advanced players, it will be beneficial to strengthen your breathing abilities while playing. Joseph Guy Ropartz is a French composer and conductor. He composed Violin sonatas, Cello sonatas, string quartets, Piano trios, string trios and five symphonies. He also wrote some poetry.”
頁數: 12
重量(g): 93.555
UPC: 888680863203
