Pièce en Forme de Habanera for Saxophone 拉威爾‧摩利斯 薩氏管
莫里斯-拉威爾(Maurice Ravel)的《哈巴涅拉》(Habanera)最初創作於 1907 年,是為低音聲部和鋼琴而作。這首曲子以古巴的矛盾舞曲為基礎,具有一種特殊的哈巴涅拉節奏,通常與歌詞一起演唱。在此版本中,薩克斯風代替了歌聲。在創作這首曲子的同時,莫里斯-拉威爾還在創作兩首具有西班牙風格的作品: <西班牙狂想曲》和《西班牙時刻》。該版本可用於演奏會和考試,將為薩克斯管演奏者帶來啟迪。莫里斯-拉威爾(Maurice Ravel,1875-1937 年)是法國作曲家,因其印象派貢獻而聞名於世。他創作了大量作品,包括《達夫尼斯和克洛埃》(Daphnis and Chloé)和著名的《波萊羅》(Bollero)"
作曲家: Maurice Ravel
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Initially composed in 1907 for bass voice and piano, Habanera by Maurice Ravel was transcribed for Bb soprano saxophone and piano for this edition. Based on a Cuban contradanza, it features a special habanera rhythm and is generally performed with sung lyrics. In this edition, the saxophone is a substitute for the voice. While composing this piece, Maurice Ravel was also working on two works with Spanish influence: The Spanish Rhapsody and The Spanish Hour. This edition, which can be used for recitals and exams, will enlighten saxophone players. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) is a French composer is really famous for his Impressionist contributions. He wrote numerous pieces, including Daphnis and Chloé and the famous Bollero.