Pièce for Flute, Oboe, or Violin and Piano 佛瑞 長笛 小提琴 鋼琴 鋼琴四重奏
加布裡埃爾-福雷的 Pièce 是一首為長笛、雙簧管或小提琴創作的鋼琴伴奏曲。這首浪漫的 A 調樂曲只有一個樂章。樂章較小,旋律優美,速度較慢:Adagio,molto tranquillo。這首曲子被評為相當困難,但中高級演奏者會喜歡在獨奏會上演奏這首曲子。書中附有插頁,只包含樂器部分。加布裡埃爾-福雷是法國作曲家、管風琴家、鋼琴家和教師。他是同時代最重要的作曲家之一,作品包括《帕凡》或《樂章》"
作曲家: Gabriel Fauré
樂器: Flute; Oboe; Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Pièce by Gabriel Fauré is a piece for flute, oboe or violin, with piano accompaniment. This romantic piece in A only features one movement. Small, it is really melodious and quite slow:Adagio, molto tranquillo. Rated as quite difficult, upper-intermediate players will enjoy playing it for recitals. The book includes an insert with the instrument only part. Gabriel Fauré was a French composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He is one of the most important composers of his generation, with pieces such as Pavane or Requiem.