Phoenix For Solo Saxophone 薩氏管
"日本出生的野田亮(生於 1948 年)因其前瞻性的前衛作品和創新的演奏技巧而備受讚譽。鳳凰》也不例外。 野田的作曲成就在 1973 年獲得 SACEM 作曲獎時得到了極大認可。鳳凰》出版後不久,野田的事業達到了頂峰。野田充分發揮了薩克斯管的擴展技巧,並提供了詳細的樂譜和指導。然而,在節奏、停頓和彎音方面,大量的詮釋工作留給了演奏者。鳳凰》是作曲家為薩克斯獨奏創作的眾多重要作品之一。對於所有薩克斯管演奏家來說,野田的《鳳凰》都是高級曲目中一首出色、多樣的作品
作曲家: Ryo Noda
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Phoenix For Solo Saxophone
“Japanese born Ryo Noda (b. 1948) has been hailed for his forward-looking, avant-garde compositions and innovative playing techniques. Phoenix is no exception. Noda's compositional achievements were significantly recognised in 1973 when he was awarded the SACEM Composition Prize. Phoenix was published soon after, at the height of his career. Exploiting extended techniques on the Saxophone to their full potential, Noda provides a detailed score with instruction. However, a significant amount of interpretation with regards to tempo, pauses and pitch bends is left to the performer. Phoenix is one of many significant works for solo Saxophone by the composer. For all saxophonists, Noda's Phoenix is an excellent, varied addition to advanced repertoires.”