
Pepusch - Sonata in C Major; Telemann - Sonata in C minor Music Minus One Oboe 奏鳴曲 奏鳴曲 雙簧管

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$670TWD - $670TWD

這些由佩普施和泰勒曼創作的雙簧管奏鳴曲對於任何雙簧管演奏家來說都是巴羅克時期的優秀作品,對於希望學習合奏的器樂演奏家來說更是完美的訓練場。這兩首奏鳴曲是當時經典的 "三重奏 "奏鳴曲,採用長笛和 "低音連奏 "作為背景,"低音連奏 "是一種半改編的伴奏,通常由大鍵琴和中提琴演奏,這兩種樂器構成完整的低音線,為其他樂器提供支援。在這裡,雙簧管演奏家將有絕佳的機會與美妙的拉莫三重奏一起演奏這美妙的音樂。這些樂曲難度不大,非常適合中級雙簧管演奏家或希望接受適度挑戰的初學者。聆聽並學習雙簧管大師維吉尼亞-布魯爾(Virginia Brewer)與三重奏的演奏,然後與他們一起體驗室內樂中最美妙的體驗之一--巴羅克三重奏奏鳴曲。隨書還附有巴羅克時期裝飾音的印刷指南和音樂範例"

作曲家: Georg Phillipp Telemann
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Music Minus One
These oboe sonatas by Pepusch and Telemann are great Baroque pieces for any oboist and are perfect training ground for the instrumentalist looking to learn ensemble playing. Classic “trio” sonatas of their age, they utilized a background of flute and “basso continuo” – a semi-improvised accompaniment commonly carried out by both a harpsichord and a viola da gamba, the two instruments serving as a full bass line supporting the other instruments. The oboist is here afforded a wonderful opportunity to play this beautiful music in association with the wonderful Rameau Trio. Not too difficult, these pieces are perfect for the intermediate oboist, or for the beginner looking toward a moderate challenge. Listen to and study master oboist Virginia Brewer performing with the Trio, then you take your place with this group for one of the most marvelous experiences in chamber music –the Baroque trio sonata. Includes a printed guide to period ornamentation complete with musical examples.

Performed by Virginia Brewer, oboe

Accompaniment: The Rameau Trio: Jean Antrim, flute; Jocelyn Chaparro, harpsichord; Fortunato Arico, viola da gamba


Sonata in C major for Flute (or Recorder), Oboe & Continuo

Sonata in C minor for Flute (or Recorder), Oboe & Continuo
頁數: 16
重量(g): 232.47
尺寸(cm): 31.115cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9781596153547
UPC: 884088188955

