Paul Taffanel Et Philippe Gaubert - Methode Complete De Flute, Vol. 1 長笛
"克勞德-保羅-塔法內爾(Claude-Paul Taffanel)和菲力浦-高貝(Philippe Gaubert)是史上最多產的長笛演奏家之一,他們的《長笛練習曲》為長笛學習提供了必不可少的參考資料。 這本書用法語、英語、德語和西班牙語注釋,非常容易理解且用途廣泛。Méthode Complète de Flûte》第一卷涉及大量音樂元素,包括音色、發音、切分音、調號、音階、氣息控制、裝飾音和頓音等諸多方面。他們不僅是傑出的長笛演奏家,還為長笛教學做出了重要貢獻,因此,他們認為有必要編寫一本詳盡的《長笛教程》,並將他們的寶貴專業知識彙編成冊。考慮到這兩個偉大的名字是聯繫在一起的,而且這本書中包含了大量的技術練習,對於有抱負的長笛演奏家來說,這本學習書是不可抗拒的購買選擇""
作曲家: Paul Taffanel
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“From two of the most prolific flautists of all time, Claude-Paul Taffanel and Philippe Gaubert's Méthode Complète de Flûte provides an essential and well-informed aid to Flute studies. With notes in French, English, German and Spanish, this volume is highly accessible and versatile. The first volume of Méthode Complète de Flûte addresses a huge number of musical elements, including tone, articulation, syncopation, key signatures, scales, breath control, ornaments and tonguing, among many other aspects. Having been outstanding performers on the Flute, as well as providing significant contributions to teaching of the instrument, the pair saw the need for their detailed Méthode Complète de Flûte, compiling it with their combined, invaluable expertise. Considering that two great names are associated, and that the compilation is packed full of technical exercises, this study book makes for an irresistable purchase for aspiring flautists.”