Pastoral Variations on an Old Noel for Harp 變奏曲 豎琴
法國作曲家、管風琴家和歌劇導演馬塞爾-撒母耳-盧梭(1882-1955 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,並於 1905 年獲得羅馬大獎。他的歌劇最為人所熟知,但他的其他作品也不乏佳作,《古老諾埃爾的田園變奏曲》也不例外。羅梭深受加布裡埃爾-福雷(Gabriel Fauré)的影響,他精通半音和聲,經常試圖在作品中喚起強烈的戲劇感。這些特點在《古老諾埃爾的田園變奏曲》中非常突出,該曲目以一個平靜的主題開始,然後發展成八個對比鮮明的變奏曲和一個結尾。對於所有中高級豎琴演奏家來說,盧梭的舊諾埃爾牧歌變奏曲是曲目中不可或缺的備選曲目
作曲家: Samuel-Rous Louis August
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Pastoral Variations On An Old
French composer, organist and opera director Marcel Samuel Rousseau (1882-1955) studied at the Paris Conservatoire and won the Prix de Rome in 1905. He is best remembered for his operas, however his other compositions have not gone amiss, Pastoral Variations on an Old Noel being no exception. Rosseau was highly influenced by Gabriel Fauré and he was an expert in chromatic harmony, often seeking to evoke a strong sense of the dramatic in his works. These features are prominent in Pastoral Variations on an Old Noel, which beings with a calm theme before developing into eight contrasting variations and a conclusion. For all intermediate to advanced harpists, Rousseau's Pastoral Variations on an Old Noel is an essential alternative addition to the repertoire.