Out of the Cool for Soprano Saxophone and Piano 薩氏管(含鋼琴伴奏)
這是戴夫-希斯創作的第一部作品。它寫於 1978 年,當時同為長笛演奏家的理查-布萊克(Richard Blake)請他創作一首爵士樂曲。Out of the Cool以現代爵士樂的和絃和節奏為基礎,以古典音樂的形式進行了完整的記譜。此版本為高音薩克斯管和鋼琴版本。
作曲家: Dave Heath
樂器: Piano; Soprano Saxophone
出版社: Chester Music
Out Of The Cool
This is the first work composed by Dave Heath. It was written in 1978 after fellow flautist Richard Blake asked him to compose a jazz piece. Out of the Cool is based on the chords and rhythm of modern jazz fully notated and in classical format. This version is for Soprano Saxophone and Piano.