
Out of the Cool for Flute and Piano 長笛(含鋼琴伴奏)

來自 Chester Music
$1,070TWD - $1,070TWD
$1,070TWD - $1,070TWD

作曲家注釋 Out Of The Cool是我的第一部作品,靈感來自邁爾斯-大衛斯和約翰-科爾特蘭的音樂。它最初是為長笛而作,但同樣可以用小提琴、大提琴或高音薩克斯風演奏。樂曲分為慢/快/慢三個部分。我沒有標注太多的力度或樂句,所顯示的只是建議。尤其是慢板部分,節奏應該非常自由,每位演奏者都可以用自己的方式自由詮釋樂曲。然而,踏板標記則更為具體,因為我用它們來表示音符和和絃的持續方式。有些模糊的效果初看起來可能很奇怪,但這種踩踏對樂曲的風格至關重要。最重要的是,Out Of The Cool是為享受而寫的,所以請盡情享受吧!大衛-希斯

作曲家: Dave Heath
樂器: Flute; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Chester Music

Out Of The Cool

Composer's Note Out Of The Cool was my first work and inspired by the music of Miles Davis and John Coltrane. It was originally written for the flute, but may equally well be played on the violin, cello or soprano saxophone. The piece is in three sections - slow/fast/slow. I have not marked many dynamics or phrasings, and those shown are suggestions only. The slow sections in particular should be very free rhythmically, and each performer should feel free to interpret the piece in his own way. The pedalling marks, however, are more specific, as I have used them to show how notes and chords are to be sustained. Some of the blurred effects may seem strange at first, but this pedalling is essential to the style of the piece. Above all, Out Of The Cool was written to be enjoyed, so have fun with it! David Heath.
頁數: 10
重量(g): 82.215
EAN: 9780711936027
UPC: 884088487560
