Orphee - Classiques No. 20 for Flute and Piano 長笛 鋼琴
克裡斯托夫-威利巴爾德-格呂克(Christoph Willibald Glück)的《奧菲斯,香榭麗舍大街》(Orpheus, Champs-Élysées scene)由保羅-塔法內爾(Paul Taffanel)和菲力浦-高貝(Philippe Gaubert)轉錄,是《長笛經典》(Flute Classics)系列的第二十首作品。這首樂曲選自歌劇《奧菲斯與歐律狄刻》中的香榭麗舍場景(第二幕),分為兩個主要部分: 樂曲分為兩個主要部分:"Lento Dolcissimo "和 "Piú Lento",這兩個部分均重複出現,最後以尾聲結束。該版本適合中高級以上演奏者演奏,包括長笛樂譜和長笛鋼琴樂譜。<奧菲斯與歐律狄刻》是格呂克最著名的作品,取材於奧菲斯神話"
作曲家: Christoph Willibald Gluc
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
The twentieth piece of the Flute Classics collection, this edition of Orpheus, Champs-Élysées scene by Christoph Willibald Glück was transcribed by Paul Taffanel and Philippe Gaubert. This piece, taken from the Champs-Élysées scene (Acte II) in the opera Orpheus and Eurydice is divided into two main parts: “Lento Dolcissimo” and “Piú Lento,” which are both repeated, with the piece finishing on a coda. This edition can be played by upper intermediate players or above and includes the scores for the flute and for the flute and piano. Orpheus and Eurydice is the most famous work by Glück and is based on the myth of Orpheus.