Orientale op. 50/9 居伊 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
俄羅斯作曲家和音樂評論家凱撒-崔(1835-1918 年)的《東方》選自《萬花筒》,這是一部由 24 首小提琴和鋼琴微型曲組成的作品集。這首曲子被改編成多種樂器,其中大提琴版最受歡迎。埃斯特爾-雷瓦茲(Estelle Revaz)是一位經驗豐富的音樂會大提琴演奏家和教師,她對這首作品進行了編輯,加入了現代大提琴課程的提示,使大提琴演奏的第一步變得更容易,並為學生自己的演繹提供了建議。該版本是肖特學生版系列的一部分,為器樂課程提供了五個不同難度級別(從1-簡單到5-困難)的各種文學作品。教師提供的實用技巧有助於掌握樂曲,使這些版本成為現代音樂課程的重要補充。該系列的每個版本都有印刷版或電子下載版(PDF)。許多作品的鋼琴伴奏還提供播放版本(MP3 下載)"
作曲家: Cui, César
編者: Revaz, Estelle
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Orientale by the Russian composer and music critic César Cui (18351918) comes from the cycle Kaleidoscope, a collection of 24 miniatures for violin and piano. The piece was arranged for numerous instrumentations, with the arrangement for cello being among the most popular. The miniature exudes an oriental charm, both melodically and rhythmically, and is a popular encore, not least due to its shortness.Estelle Revaz, an experienced concert cellist and teacher, edited the work, adding tips for modern cello lessons which make the first steps into cello playing easier and provide suggestions for the student's own interpretation. The edition is part of the Schott Student Edition series which offers varied literature at five different levels of difficulty (from 1-easy to 5-difficult) for instrumental lessons. Practical tips by teachers help to master the pieces and make the editions valuable additions to modern music lessons. Each edition of the series is available as printed edition or digital download edition (PDF). For many works, the piano accompaniment is available as playback version (MP3 download) as well.