
O'Carolan's Dream 15 Pieces for Flute (Violin) and Piano 小品長笛 鋼琴 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

與其他人不同,圖拉夫-奧卡羅蘭(Turlough O'Carolan,1670-1738 年)懂得如何將古老的愛爾蘭音樂與當時上流社會喜歡聆聽的義大利巴羅克音樂相結合。小重複動機的使用、旋律的種類和張力的營造方式都顯示出卡羅蘭對巴羅克時期典型演奏風格的感覺和瞭解。在他的豎琴音樂中,這些巴羅克風格的影響成為了他鮮明的標誌。因此,他創造了一個全新的流派:凱爾特經典"

作曲家: Ó Cearbhalláin, Toirdhealbhach
編者: Loell, Wolfgang / Steinbach, Patrick
樂器: flute or violin (fiddle) and piano; guitar ad libitum
出版社: Schott Music

Sheebeg and Sheemore - Princess Royal - All Alive - Clergy´s Lamentation - Blind Mary - Squire Woods Lamentation on the Refusal of his Halfpence - Planxty Kelly - Carolan´s Quarrel with the Landlady - Lament for Terence MacDonough - Mrs Anne MacDermott Roe - Kean O´Hara - Planxty Lady Wrixon - Carolan´s Concerto - Morgan Magan - Carolan´s Dream

Unlike any other, Turlough O'Carolan (1670-1738) knew how to combine old Irish music with Italian Baroque music which the high society liked to listen to at that time. The use of little repeating motifs, the kind of melody and way of tension building reveal Carolan's sense and knowledge of the styles of playing typical of the Baroque period. These Baroque influences in his harp music became his unmistakable trademark. Thus, he created a whole new genre, as it were: the Celtic Classics.
頁數: 44
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790001147811
ISBN: 9783795758592
UPC: 841886008915
