Nouvelle Technique De La Contrebasse (livre Avec Dvd Al30608) Volume 4 (texte 低音大提琴
《低音大提琴新技巧》第 4 卷是弗朗索瓦-拉巴特(François Rabbath)低音大提琴演奏法的第四冊。繼前三冊之後,該書可供中高級初學者使用,需要一定的音樂理論和閱讀基礎知識。本書還包括一張 DVD,並用法語、英語、德語和西班牙語對所有技術要點進行了全面講解,包括圖片。 本書分為五章:練習、研究、音階和琶音、管弦樂樂曲和低音提琴獨奏曲。 在技術要點方面,本書主要介紹了不同的位置、雙和絃、支點、弓子的一些重點以及手腕的位置等。 這種有用的方法絕對是最完整的方法之一。它將幫助所有低音提琴初學者掌握必要的基本技能。 弗朗索瓦-拉巴特(François Rabbath)1931 年出生於敘利亞,從小就開始學習低音提琴。後來,他定居巴黎,為伊蒂絲-琵雅芙 (Edith Piaf)、喬治-穆斯塔基 (Georges Moustaki) 和塞爾日-甘斯布 (Serge Gainsbourg) 等法國著名藝術家擔任低音提琴伴奏。他錄製了一些 CD 和 DVD,進行了一些巡迴演出,並有可能編寫自己的低音提琴演奏法,他在其中描述了自己的螃蟹演奏技巧""
樂器: Double Bass
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Nouvelle technique de la contrebasse, Vol. 4 is the fourth book of a method for Double Bass by François Rabbath. Following the three previous volumes, it can be used by upper beginners or intermediate players and requires some basic musical knowledge in theory and reading. It also includes a DVD and provides full explanations, including pictures for all the technical points in French, English, German and Spanish. This book is divided into five chapters: exercises, studies, scales and arpeggios, orchestral figures and pieces for solo Double Bass. In term of technical points, it features the different positions, the double chords, the pivot and some highlight on the bow and the wrist positions among others. This helpful method is definitely one of the most complete. It will help all Double Bass beginners to get the necessary basic skills. Born in Syria in 1931, François Rabbath has been playing the Double Bass from a really young age. He later settled in Paris when he was the main Double Bass accompaniment for renowned French artists including Edith Piaf, Georges Moustaki and Serge Gainsbourg. He recorded some CDs and DVDs, did some touring and was offered the possibility of writing his own Double Bass method in which he describes his crab technique.”