
Nocturnes Edited from the autographs, manuscript copies and original editions 蕭邦 夜曲 手稿 鋼琴獨奏 維也納原典版

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$1,150TWD - $1,150TWD

蕭邦的《夜曲》是他最浪漫的作品;與《馬祖卡》同屬大師的作品群,經驗較少的演奏者也能演奏。這兩方面都可以解釋為什麼這些音樂細膩的作品一直深受歡迎。與維也納 烏爾文版的獨奏家、教育家和科學家揚-埃基爾(Jan Ekier)編輯的所有蕭邦出版物一樣,本版本也包含豐富的評論。此外,本版還收錄了蕭邦特有的關於真實變奏的詮釋評論。這些評論在著名的降 E 大調夜曲(作品 9 之 2)中最為豐富,因此在我們的版本中出現了兩次:在第二次再版中,變奏曲被完整地再現;它們以令人印象深刻的方式指出了蕭邦藝術的即興時刻。該版本包含 18 首夜曲作品。9、15、27、32、37、48、55 和 62 作品中的 18 首夜曲,以及三首遺產作品:早期的《e 小調夜曲》、《c 小調夜曲》(可能是蕭邦最後一年的作品)和《Lento con gran espressione》(升 C 小調夜曲),蕭邦在其中引用了其他作品的旋律

作曲家: Chopin, Frédérice
編者: Ekier, Jan
校訂者: Ekier, Jan
樂器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Nocturne E-flat major op. 9,2 - Nocturne F major op. 15,1 - Lento con gran espressivo c-sharp minor op. post. - Nocturne b-flat minor op. 9,1 - Nocturne e minor op. post. - Nocturne b minor op. 9,3 - Nocturne F-sharp major op. 15,2 - Nocturne g minor op. 15,3 - Nocturne c minor op. post. - Nocturne c-sharp minor op. 27,1 - Nocturne D-flat major op. 27,2 - Nocturne B-flat major op. 32,1 - Nocturne A-flat major op. 32,2 - Nocturne g minor op. 37,1 - Nocturne G major op. 37,2 - Nocturne c minor op. 48,1 - Nocturne f-sharp minor op. 48,2 - Nocturne f minor op. 55,1 - Nocturne E-flat major op. 55,2 - Nocturne B major op. 62,1 - Nocturne E major op. 62,2

Chopin seems at his most romantic in the Nocturnes; with the mazurk they belong to that group of works of the master, which is also accessible to the less experienced player. Both may explain the continued great popularity of these musically nuanced pieces. Like all Chopin publications edited by Jan Ekier, the soloist, educator and scientist within the Wiener Urtext Edition, the present edition also contains a rich commentary. In addition, comments on interpretation, regarding authentic variant, a characteristic of Chopin, are also included. They are most abundant in the famous E flat major Nocturne (Op 9, No. 2), which therefore appears twice in our edition: in the second reprint the variations are reproduced in their entirety; In an impressive way, they point to the improvisational moment of Chopin's art. The edition contains the 18 Nocturnes of Opus. 9, 15, 27, 32, 37, 48, 55 and 62, as well as three from the estate: the very early Nocturne in E minor, Nocturne in C minor (presumably from Chopin's final year) and the Lento con gran espressione (Nocturne in C sharp minor), in which Chopin quotes from other works.
頁數: 160
重量(g): 590
ISMN: 9790500570653
ISBN: 9783850550642