Nocturne & Sicilienne (fin Cycle 2) Saxophone Alto Ou Soprano Ou Tenor 夜曲 薩氏管
阿曼多-吉多尼(Armando Ghidoni)的《夜曲與西西里舞曲》是中音薩克斯管與鋼琴作品。這首抒情樂曲時長 5 分鐘,非常適合獨奏會或比賽,演奏起來非常愉快。 樂曲難度適中:我們建議中高級演奏者演奏。中音薩克斯可由高音或次中音薩克斯代替,鋼琴可由豎琴代替。 阿曼多-吉多尼(Armando Ghidoni)是一位擁有義大利血統的法國作曲家,會演奏薩克斯管和長笛。自 1989 年以來,他的作品一直由阿爾方斯-勒杜克(Alphonse Leduc)編輯。"
作曲家: Armando Ghidoni
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Nocturne & Sicilienne
“Nocturne and Sicilienne by Armando Ghidoni is a piece for Alto Saxophone and Piano. Lasting 5 minutes, this lyrical piece is perfect for a recital or a contest and is thoroughly enjoyable to play. The level of difficulty is medium: we would recommend the piece to upper-intermediate players. The Alto Saxophone can be replaced by a Soprano or Tenor Saxophone and the Piano by a Harp. Armando Ghidoni is a French composer with Italian origins who plays Saxophone and Flute. He has been edited by Alphonse Leduc since 1989.”