Nine Studies For Saxophones (volume 2) 薩氏管
克利斯蒂安-勞巴 (Christian Lauba) 1952 年出生於突尼斯,是當代傑出的作曲家,自 20 世紀 80 年代中期從波爾多音樂學院畢業後屢獲殊榮。勞巴尤其以薩克斯管作品和教學指南而聞名,如《薩克斯管的九個研究》(Nine Studies for Saxophones)。 薩克斯風九首研究》創作於 1992 年至 1994 年,為勞巴贏得了 SACEM 作曲獎。第二卷為高音和次中音薩克斯管而作,包含第五、第六和第七研究:1)Tadj、2)Gyn 和 3)Vir。薩克斯風九首研究》的風格非常現代,最大限度地利用了薩克斯風的擴展技巧。這些技巧包括發音、模式、複雜節奏、裝飾音、調性、和聲、顫音、共鳴和舌音等。隨著現代古典音樂在薩克斯管演奏中的地位日益突出,勞巴的《薩克斯管九首研究》對所有薩克斯管演奏家來說都是不可或缺的"
作曲家: Christian Lauba
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Nine Studies For Saxophones
“Born in Tunisia in 1952, Christian Lauba has been a prominent contemporary composer, winning many prizes since his graduation from the Conservatory of Bordeaux during the mid-1980s. Lauba is particularly noted for his compositions and teaching guides for the Saxophone, such as Nine Studies for Saxophones. Composed betweem 1992 and 1994, Nine Studies for Saxophones won Lauba the SACEM prize in composition. The second volume, for Soprano and Tenor Saxophones contains the fifth, sixth and seventh studies; 1) Tadj, 2) Gyn, and 3) Vir. Nine Studies for Saxophones is very modern in style, exploiting extended techniques of the Saxophone to the maximum. These include articulation, modes, complex rhythms, ornamentation, tonality, harmonics, vibrato, resonance and flutter tonguing, among other aspects. With modern classical music becoming more and more prominent within the genre, Lauba's Nine Studies for Saxophones is essential to all saxophonists.”