
New Violin Study School op. 182 Band 8 A selection of the most valuable Studies for the Violin progressively arranged. Studies in the fifth position 小提琴 小提琴改編 把位 小提琴練習曲

$1,260TWD - $1,260TWD
$1,260TWD - $1,260TWD

精選最有價值、最著名的小提琴研究曲目,作者包括 Alday, Bach, Fr. Benda, de Beriot, Bruni, Campagnoli, Corelli, David, Dont, Fioreillo, Gavinié, Hérold, F.A. Hoffmann, v.d. Hoya, Kayser, Kreutzer, Leclair, Locatelli, Lolli, Maurer, Mayseder, Mazas, Meerts, Mestrino, L. Mozart, Paganini, Picci, L. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. 莫札特、帕格尼尼、皮克爾、羅德、羅維利、聖-魯賓、施洛明、舍恩、塞博爾德、斯波爾、維希特爾和沃爾法爾,為學生或演奏家逐步編排"

編者: Seybold, Arthur
樂器: violin
出版社: Simrock / Benjamin
A selection of the most valuable and celebrated studies for the violin by: Alday, Bach, Fr. Benda, de Beriot, Bruni, Campagnoli, Corelli, David, Dont, Fioreillo, Gavinié, Hérold, F.A. Hoffmann, v.d. Hoya, Kayser, Kreutzer, Leclair, Locatelli, Lolli, Maurer, Mayseder, Mazas, Meerts, Mestrino, L. Mozart, Paganini, Pichl, Rode, Rovelli, Saint-Lubin, Schloming, Schoen, Seybold, Spohr, Wichtl and Wohlfahr, progressively arranged for the Student or the Virtuosi.

頁數: 42
重量(g): 150
ISMN: 9790221102157

