New-Orleans for Saxhorn Basse (or Tuba or Bass Trombone) and Piano 低音號(含鋼琴伴奏)
20 世紀 20 年代至 30 年代,歐仁-博紮在巴黎音樂學院屢獲殊榮,後來指揮了科米克歌劇院管弦樂團,並成為瓦朗謝訥音樂學院院長。作為古典音樂前線的重要人物,博紮的作品深受聽眾歡迎,其中《新奧爾良》在低音銅管樂曲目中很受歡迎。博紮的這首低音銅管樂鋼琴伴奏曲創作于 1962 年。這首曲子最初是為低音薩克斯號創作的,但由於低音薩克斯號日漸式微,博紮又將其改編為低音長號和大號。新奧爾良深受該市爵士樂文化的影響。正如音樂教育家保羅-格里菲斯(Paul Griffiths)在談到博紮的作品時寫道:"他的作品展現了流暢的旋律、優雅的結構以及對樂器能力的一貫敏感關注"。為低音長號、大號或低音薩克斯管和鋼琴而作的《新奧爾良》在這些樂器的曲目中仍然很受歡迎,並經常被列入試奏大綱中,是有抱負的低音銅管樂演奏家的必備曲目"
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Tuba; Bass Trombone; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
New Orleans Pour Saxhorn Basse
Having won many prizes at the Paris Conservatoire during the 1920s-1930s, Eugène Bozza went on to conduct the orchestra of the Opéra-Comique and to become Head of the Conservatoire in Valenciennes. As a major figure on the classical music frontline, Bozza's compositions were well-received by audiences, New Orleans being popular in the bass brass repertoire. This Bozza piece for bass brass with piano accompaniment was written in 1962. It was orginally composed for bass saxhorn but since the instrument was falling into obscurity, Bozza also adapted it for bass trombone and tuba. New Orleans is influenced by the jazz culture of the city. As music educationalist, Paul Griffiths has written of Bozza's compositions, “his works reveal melodic fluency, elegance of structure and a consistenly sensitive concern of instrumental capabilities.” New Orleans for bass trombone, tuba, or bass saxhorn and piano remains popular in the repertoire of the instruments and is often included in audition syllabuses, making it essential to aspiring performers of bass brass.