Music for Piccolo 短笛 長笛獨奏 柏特-柏克版
來自 Bote & Bock
一部分 "來自更大的東西 "寫於 2008 年卡爾海因茨-施托克豪森紀念音樂會之際。多年前,斯沃博達作為斯托克豪森周圍圈子裡的音樂家,就對短笛的鏗鏘音色非常著迷。在這部作品中,他還對這位來自科隆的大師計算周圍事物(無論是聲音還是旅途中閃過的電線杆)的特殊方式表示敬意,並將它們歸納為相互關聯的單元。對數位序列的迷戀還體現在第二部分《斐波納契地層》中,該部分是在 2015 年該版本出版之際添加的。在其嚴謹的結構中--每小節都是一個明確標記的單元--以及多層次的演奏技巧中,作曲家在兩段快板中為聽眾提供了'恢復平靜'的機會"
作曲家: Svoboda, Mike
樂器: piccolo
出版社: Bote & Bock
I. From Something Bigger - II. Fibonacci Strata (Study No. 5)
The two parts of this 10-minute work can be performed together or separately.The first part, From Something Bigger, was written in 2008 on the occasion of a memorial concert for Karlheinz Stockhausen. Years ago, Svoboda was fascinated as a musician in the circle surrounding Stockhausen by how sonorous a piccolo flute can sound. In this work, he also pays reverence to the particular way in which the master from Cologne used to count the things around him – be it sounds or telephone poles flashing by during a trip – and group them into interrelated units.The fascination with number sequences also shows in the second part, Fibonacci Strata, added in 2015 on the occasion of the publication of this edition. Within its rigid structure – each bar being a clearly marked unit – and multi-layered virtuosity, the composer gives the listener the opportunity in two cadenzas to 'regain his or her composure'.