
Méthode Complete de Harpe - Premier Volume Technique

$3,230TWD - $3,230TWD
$3,230TWD - $3,230TWD

亨麗埃特-萊內(Henriette Reiné)的《豎琴演奏法大全》(Complete Method of the Harp)填補了豎琴演奏法的空白。該書共兩卷,第一卷講述了技巧的基本原理。雷尼埃(1875-1956 年)是一位虔誠的教徒,一生大部分時間都生活在貧困之中。她是一位成就卓著的豎琴演奏家和作曲家,但由於成功在當時的社會不為女性所接受,因此她很少獲得成功。雷內的《豎琴演奏法全書》(Complete Method of the Harp)寫于二戰期間,至今仍被廣泛使用。第一卷中涉及的技巧包括踏板、指法、和絃、音階、和聲、琶音、音程、手的位置和滑音等內容。此外,書中還附有豎琴示意圖,非常實用。雷尼埃的豎琴演奏法大全是所有豎琴學習的必備伴奏

作曲家: Henriette Renié
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
With few studies in existence for the harp, Henriette Reiné's Complete Method of the Harp fills a large gap. Comprising two volumes, the first addresses the fudamentals of technique. Renié (1875-1956) was a deeply religious woman who lived in poverty for much of her life. She was a highly accomplished harpist and composer, yet she had little triumph due to success being socially unacceptable for women at the time. Reiné's Complete Method of the Harp was written during WWII and remains widely used to this day. Aspects of technique covered in the first volume include, pedalling, fingering, chords, scales, harmonics, arpeggios, intervals, hand placement and glissandos, among other elements. Moreover, a helpfully labelled diagram of the Harp is included. Renié's Complete Method of the Harp is an essential accompaniment to all harp studies.

頁數: 125
重量(g): 623.7
UPC: 888680860615

