
Meditations 冥想曲 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

長笛與管風琴冥想曲》是為德國交響樂團的長笛獨奏家卡爾-伯恩哈德-塞邦(Karl-Bernhard Sebon)和管風琴演奏家洛塔爾-克納佩(Lothar Knappe)而作。1992 年,"Sender Freies Berlin "廣播電臺首次播放了這些作品。三個沉思樂章與兩個技巧性的間奏曲形成鮮明對比,節奏占主導地位。這些樂章部分採用了序列結構,但並不局限於十二音階,而是與調性部分相結合,甚至包括了瑣碎的音樂形式,如遊樂場風琴"

作曲家: Fork, Guenter
樂器: flute and organ
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
The Meditations for flute and organ were composed for the solo flutist of the German Symphony Orchestra, Karl-Bernhard Sebon, and the organ player Lothar Knappe. In 1992 they were broadcast for the first time by the 'Sender Freies Berlin' radio station. Three meditative movements contrast with two virtuoso intermezzos, which are dominated by rhythm. The partly serial, but not only twelve-tone structures are combined with tonal sections, and even include formulas of trivial music, such as a fairground organ.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 44
重量(g): 180
ISMN: 9790010305301
