
Meditation (flute & Piano) 長笛 鋼琴

$970TWD - $970TWD
$970TWD - $970TWD

"朱爾斯-馬斯內(1842-1912 年)的歌劇《泰伊絲》中的這首膾炙人口的旋律,由法國長笛演奏家保羅-塔法內爾(Paul Taffanel)為長笛和鋼琴精心編配。 在進入巴黎音樂學院之前,馬斯內先是跟隨母親學習音樂。他最著名的作品是歌劇,共創作了 30 多部。泰伊斯》於 1894 年在巴黎加尼葉歌劇院首演,至今仍是作曲家演出次數最多的歌劇之一。聞名遐邇的 "小調"(Méditation)是一首間奏曲,最初是為小提琴和管弦樂隊而作,後來被改編成多種不同的樂器,成為音樂會上的常演曲目。為長笛和鋼琴改編的這首曲子保留了原來的 D 大調,展現了熱情洋溢的宗教意圖。塔法內爾的改編包括氣息記號、樂句、某些音符的八度變化和發音等方面。 馬斯內的《悼亡曲》在高音區運用了抒情手法,極具挑戰性,但仍是長笛曲目中深受喜愛和歡迎的曲目""

作曲家: Jules Massenet
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“The instantly recognisable and ever-popular Méditation, from the opera Thaïs by Jules Massenet (1842-1912), remains a strong favourite in the classical repertoire, superbly arranged for Flute and Piano by French flautist, Paul Taffanel. Massenet first studied music with his mother before entering the Paris Conservatoire. He is best known for his operas, of which he composed over thirty. Thaïs was first performed at the Opéra Garnier in Paris in 1894 and continues to be one of the composer's most performed operas. The famous Méditation, is an intermezzo, originally for Violin and Orchestra, which has since been arranged for many different instruments, making it a frequent concert piece. The arrangement for Flute and Piano remains in the original key of D major and displays the passionate religious intentions. Taffanel's adaptions include breath marks, phrasing, changing octaves for some notes and articulation, among other aspects. Massenet's Méditation is challenging through its use of lyricism in the upper register, yet it remains a favoured and popular piece in the Flute's repertoire.”

頁數: 8
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 888680830267

