Lullaby (f Horn And Piano) 搖籃曲法國號 鋼琴
"《搖籃曲,作品 19》是 J. M. Damase 為中低音號和鋼琴伴奏創作的曲目。這首曲子相當簡短,難度為 3。除了初學者所需的練習曲和練習曲之外,這首曲子非常適合享受演奏音樂的樂趣。 在鋼琴和絃的伴奏下,圓號以一個七小節的主題開始。隨後,旋律優美的部分一直持續到樂曲的結尾,此時,最初的主題再次出現,這就是 "Tempo"。 J. M. Damase 是一位法國音樂家和偉大的作曲家,他創作了大量抒情作品和一些室內樂作品。他最著名的作品之一是《長笛與豎琴奏鳴曲》"
作曲家: Jean-Michel Damase
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
”Composed for upper-beginners, Lullaby, Op.19 is a piece for F Horn and Piano accompaniment by J. M. Damase. Quite short, this piece is quite easy with a difficulty level 3. Really nice and peaceful, this piece is perfect to enjoy playing music aside from all the exercises and etudes necessary for beginners. The Horn begins Andante with a theme in seven measures, accompanied by chords on the Piano. A really melodious part then features until the end of the piece, when the initial themes are played again, a Tempo. J. M. Damaseis a French musician and a great composer who wrote numerous lyrical works and some chamber music. One of his most famous pieces is the Sonata for Flute and Harp.“