L'Estro Armonico op. 3/1-12 Concerti grossi 韋瓦第 和諧的靈感 音樂會 小提琴加鋼琴 歐伊倫堡版
維瓦爾第的 12 首協奏曲於 1711 年由羅傑在阿姆斯特丹首次出版。這 8 個優雅的聲部幫助維瓦爾第在整個歐洲建立了聲譽,並為昆茨、馬塞洛和馬特森等作家提供了評判和建議其他作曲家的準則。這些協奏曲被廣泛模仿,並繼續影響著後來的作曲家,甚至是 J. S. 巴赫的作品"
作曲家: Vivaldi, Antonio
編者: Hogwood, Christopher
樂器: 4 violins, 2 violas, cello, violin and harpsichord
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH
Préface - Notes éditoriales - Concerto No. 1 D-Dur - Concerto No. 2 g-Moll - Concerto No. 3 G-Dur - Concerto No. 4 e-Moll - Concerto No. 5 A-Dur - Concerto No. 6 a-Moll - Concerto No. 7 F-Dur - Concerto No. 8 a-Moll - Concerto No. 9 D-Dur - Concerto No. 10 h-Moll - Concerto No. 11 d-Moll - Concerto No. 12 E-Dur - Appendix: Concerto No. 7, Dresden version
Vivaldis 12 concertos were first published in 1711 by Roger in Amsterdam. These 8 elegant part books helped to establish Vivaldis reputation throughout Europe and provided the rules from which such writers as Quantz, Marcello and Mattheson judged and advised other composers. Much imitated, the concertos continued to influence the works of later composers and indeed J. S. Bach.