
Les Pins de Charlannes for Lever Harp and Piano 豎琴 鋼琴

$700TWD - $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD

由著名豎琴演奏家亨麗埃特-雷尼埃(Henriette Renié)創作的《夏蘭內的松樹》(Pine trees of Charlannes)是一首簡單的豎琴小品,配有鋼琴或豎琴伴奏。這首曲子非常適合初學者演奏和開始合奏。豎琴主奏部分有一些旋律優美的樂段,也有一些帶有四分音符的樂段。這些部分與鋼琴或第二豎琴的伴奏交替進行。亨麗埃特-雷尼埃(Henriette Renié)出生於 1875 年,是一位技藝精湛的法國豎琴演奏家。她曾師從阿爾方斯-哈塞爾曼斯(Alphonse Hasselmans)和泰奧多爾-杜波依斯(Théodore Dubois)等教授,並于 1887 年獲得豎琴一等獎。她創作了大量豎琴作品,包括室內樂和協奏曲"

作曲家: Henriette Renié
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Pine Trees Of Charlannes

Composed by the famous harpist Henriette Renié, Pine trees of Charlannes is an easy small piece for lever harp with piano or harp accompaniment. This piece for beginners is really nice to play and to start playing ensemble music. The principal harp sections feature some really melodious sections and some sections with quavers going up. It alternates these sections with the accompaniment played by the piano or a second harp. Henriette Renié was a virtuoso French harpist born in 1875. With professors such as Alphonse Hasselmans and Théodore Dubois, she received the First Prize for the Harp in 1887. She wrote numerous works for harp including chamber music, and a concerto.
頁數: 5
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 888680878504
