Le Petit Ane Blanc, From Stories For Piano 伊貝爾 鋼琴 鋼琴
雅克-伊伯特(1890-1962 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,之後開始了成功的作曲生涯。二十世紀二十年代中期,《故事》一經出版,便大受歡迎,至今仍是高級鋼琴家的重要曲目。 本版收錄了《故事》的第二樂章《小白驢》。該樂章標有 "寧靜的幽默",開始時節奏錯落有致,但又不失鋼琴音色。伊伯特《故事》的各個樂章,包括《小白驢》,都深受德彪西和印象派的影響。伊伯特的《小白驢》涉及音樂的各個方面和技巧,是鋼琴曲目中令人興奮的新曲目""
作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Le Petit Ane Blanc
“Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) studied at the Paris Conservatoire before embarking upon a successful composing career. Stories increased his popularity when it was published in the mid-1920s and it remains significant in the advanced pianist's repertoire. This edition contains the second movement of Stories, The Little White Donkey. It is marked 'with quiet good humour' and begins staccato yet pianissimo. The movements of Ibert's Stories, including The Little White Donkey, contain significant influences of Debussy and impressionism. Addressing a variety of musical aspects and techniques, Ibert's The Little White Donkey is an exciting addition to the Piano repertoire.”