Le Merle Noir for Flute and Piano 梅湘 長笛 鋼琴 長笛(含鋼琴伴奏)
《黑鳥》是奧利維耶-梅西安於 1952 年創作的長笛與鋼琴室內樂作品,時長 5 分鐘,是長笛曲目中最傑出的作品之一。這首曲子以鳥鳴為研究物件,技術性強,難度高,有許多細節需要關注,因此適合高年級學生演奏。 《黑鳥》分為五個部分,沒有正式譜寫,混合了調性和無調性部分。每個部分都與周圍的部分不同,樂曲中還有幾段長笛獨奏。奧利維耶-梅西安(Olivier Messiaen,1908-1992 年)是一位熱愛鳥類學的法國管風琴演奏家和作曲家,也是本世紀最重要的作曲家之一。受日本音樂的啟發,他的作曲方式非常特別,他的作品以其複雜性、二度性、有限轉調的和聲、色彩和附加節奏而著稱。他創作了許多與鳥類學和鳥鳴有關的作品,包括 7 卷本的《鳥類目錄》和 7 卷本的《節奏、色彩和鳥類學論》"
作曲家: Olivier Messiaen
樂器: Flute; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Le Merle Noir
The Blackbird, written in 1952 by Olivier Messiaen is a chamber work for flute and piano that lasts 5 minutes and is one of the most remarkable pieces of the flute repertoire. Based on the study of bird songs, this piece is very technical and challenging, with many details to focus on and would therefore be a fit for advanced students. The Blackbird is divided into five sections, not officially written, and mixed tonal and atonal parts. Each of the section is different to the ones surrounding them, and the piece also contains a few flute solos. Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was a French organist and composer passionate about Ornithology and one of the most important composer of his century. Inspired by Japanese music, he had a very special way of composing and his work can be identified by its complexity, its diatonic aspect, its harmony with limited transposition, its color and its additive rhythms. He composed many works related to ornithology and birdsong, including the 'Bird Catalogue' in 7 volumes and the 'Treatise on rhythm, color and ornithology' in 7 volumes.