Lachen Verlernt Solo Violin 小提琴
霍亞室內樂協會 "拉霍亞夏季音樂節 "委託創作的小提琴獨奏作品。Lachen Verlernt以一段抒情、富有表現力的旋律開始,旋律逐漸變得急促、狂熱,直至發展出一種近乎瘋狂的特徵,仿佛想像中的敘述者已經到了極度絕望的境地"
作曲家: Esa-Pekka Salonen
樂器: Violin
出版社: Chester Music
Lachen Verlernt
Work for solo violin commissioned by the La Jolla Chamber Music Society's SummerFest La Jolla. Lachen Verlernt starts with a lyrical, expressive melody that gradually becomes faster and more frenzied until it develops an almost frantic character, as if the imaginary narrator had reached a state of utter despair.