La Nativite du Seigneur - Volume 2 for Organ 梅湘 管風琴
奧利維耶-梅西安的《主的誕生》共分四卷,寫於 1935 年,描繪了他的羅馬天主教信仰。這首為管風琴而作的作品被認為是有史以來最偉大的管風琴作品之一,正如美國作曲家 R. F. 戈德曼所說,它是一部真正的傑作。樂曲分為九個樂章,每個樂章都描繪了與耶穌誕生有關的概念: 1. La vierge et l'enfant(《聖母子》) 2. Les bergers(《牧羊人》) 3. Desseins éternels(永恆的設計) 4. 話語》(Le verbe) 5. 上帝的孩子》(Les enfants de Dieu) 6. 天使》(Les anges) 7. 耶穌接受苦難》(Jésus accepte la souffrance) 8. Les mages (The Magi) 9. Dieu parmi nous(《上帝在我們中間》)"
作曲家: Olivier Messiaen
樂器: Organ
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
La Nativite De Seigneur Volume 2
Written in four volumes, The Nativity of the Lord, by Olivier Messiaen was written in 1935 and depicts his Roman Catholic faith. Written for organ, this piece is considered one of the great organ works of all time and as a real masterpiece, as said by R. F. Goldman, the American composer. Divided into nine movements, each of which portrays a concept related to the birth of Jesus: 1. La vierge et l'enfant (The Virgin and Child) 2. Les bergers (The Shepherds) 3. Desseins éternels (Eternal designs) 4. Le verbe (The Word) 5. Les enfants de Dieu (The Children of God) 6. Les anges (The Angels) 7. Jésus accepte la souffrance (Jesus accepts suffering) 8. Les mages (The Magi) 9. Dieu parmi nous (God Among Us).
This second volume features the meditations 4 and 5. Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was a French organist and composer passionate about ornithology and one of the most important composers of his century. Inspired by Japanese music, he had a very special way of composing and his work can be identified by its complexity, its diatonic aspect, its harmony with limited transposition, its colour and its additive rhythms. He composed many works related to ornithology and birdsong, including the “Bird Catalogue” in 7 volumes and the “Treatise on rhythm, colour and ornithology” in 7 volumes.