La Follia per violino solo 彭德瑞茲基 小提琴 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
克日什托夫-潘德列茨基在選擇曲名《La Follia》時,回顧了巴羅克時期薩拉班德變奏曲的精湛技藝傳統。主題首先由撥弦奏出,然後是弓弦奏出,並在九次變奏中得到發展,充分發揮了小提琴的各種演奏技巧。雙止音、人工和聲、寬廣的旋律弧線、四根弦上閃亮的琶音、飛快的連奏以及主題上的斷奏和絃,速度之快對演奏者的音樂和技術都提出了很高的要求"
作曲家: Penderecki, Krzysztof
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
In his choice of the title La Follia, Krzysztof Penderecki recalls the tradition of virtuosic variations on a Sarabande originating from the Baroque period. The theme is introduced first in pizzicato, then arco, and is developed in nine variations which exploit the full range of playing techniques on the violin. The breakneck speed of double stopping passages, artificial harmonics, extensive melodic arcs, sparkling arpeggios over all four strings, flying spiccato, and broken chords above the ostinato theme make high musical and technical demands on the performer.