L'amour de Loin Opera in Five Acts Vocal Score 歌劇 聲樂總譜 聲樂
薩莉亞霍的L'armour De Loin是一部五幕歌劇,於 2000 年 8 月在薩爾茨堡首演,隨後在瑞士的伯恩劇院上演。故事以 12 世紀第一位偉大的行吟詩人之一布萊耶王子的生平為藍本,講述了他對一位只聞其名的東方女子的熾熱情感,這也是劇本的中心主題。劇本由阿明-馬魯夫創作"
作曲家: Kaija Saariaho
樂器: Voice; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Chester Music
Saariaho's L'armour De Loin is an opera in five acts and was premiered in Salzburg in August 2000, with additional productions being staged at the theatre Bern in Switzerland. The story is based on the life of Prince of Bleye, one of the first great troubadours of the 12th century, and follows his glowing passion for a woman from the East of whom he has only heard is the central theme of the libretto. Libretto written by Amin Maalouf.
This is the Vocal Score of Saariaho's remarkable opera.