Konzert Nr.1 Dugud for Violoncello and Orchestra 協奏曲 大提琴管弦樂團 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
恩喬特-施耐德的大提琴協奏曲在古老的場景中展現了蘇美爾傳說中的鳥神'杜古德'。在富有表現力的音樂畫面中,施耐德描述了受孕過程中的黑暗情欲掙扎以及未出生嬰兒的吟唱。作品由匈牙利大提琴家拉斯洛-芬約(László Fenyö)於 2011 年首演。這部作品由匈牙利大提琴家拉斯洛-芬約(László Fenyö)於 2011 年首演。由於作曲家編寫了鋼琴樂譜,這部作品現在也可以由二重奏進行研究和演奏"
作曲家: Schneider, Enjott
樂器: cello and orchestra
出版社: Schott Music
I Emeshes Traum - II Geister der ungeborenen Kinder - III Visionen
Enjott Schneider's Concerto for violoncello takes up the Sumerian legend of the bird deity 'Dugud' in archaic scenes. Legend has it that Princess Emeshe was impregnated by the hermaphrodite half eagle, half falcon in a dream and founded with her son Álmos, who had thus been conceived, the royal Hungarian dynasty.In expressive musical pictures, Schneider describes the dark-erotic struggle of impregnation as well as the chant of the unborn. Hovering above everything is the vision of life in complete freedom like a bird.The work was premiered by the Hungarian cellist László Fenyö in 2011. Thanks to the piano score written by the composer, the work can now also be studied and performed by a duo.