Klezmer Fiddle Tunes 33 pieces 提琴歌調小品 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
阿根廷探戈和民間小提琴曲調》(ED 13379)的作者羅斯-斯蒂芬為小提琴演奏家們帶來了範圍廣泛的克萊茲梅爾曲調和猶太旋律。這些樂曲使用非常靈活,既可由小提琴獨奏,也可與各種樂器組合演奏。樂曲經過精心編輯,以創造出風格獨特、原汁原味的編曲。其中包括裝飾音、弓法和指法,以便進行風格化的演奏,還提供了一般風格的指導,以及添加自己的裝飾音、點綴和即興演奏的指導。本冊還附有音訊檔供下載,其中包括羅斯-斯蒂芬與現場伴奏樂隊演奏的所有曲目的錄音,以及所有曲目的伴奏版本"
作曲家: Stephen, Ros
校訂者: Rowlands, Julian
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Avreml der Marvikher - Der Heyser Bulgar - Hava Nagila - Shalom Aleichem - Moishele Mayn Fraynd - Rozhinkes mit Mandlen - Firn Di Mekhutonim Aheym - Moshe’s Doina - Freylakher Nashele - Sadegurer Khusidl - Der Yid in Yerusholayim - Rebns Tants - Oy Tate - Unser Toirele - A Gasn Nign (Krimer Tants in D) - Gasn Nign (Krimer Tants in G) - A Gasn Nign (Freylakhs) - Kandel’s Hora - Broyges Tants - Ma Yofus - Russian Sher - A Nacht in Gan Eden - Alter Bulgar - A Dreidele Far Alle - A Heymishe Bulgar - Lebedik un Freylakh - Fun Tashlikh - Dem Trisker Rebn’s Khusidl - Buhusher Khusidl - Honga Ciganesta - Oy Tate, S’iz Gut! - Do-It-Yourself Doina - Shtiler Bulgar
The author of Argentinian Tango and Folk Tunes for Violin (ED 13379), Ros Stephen, presents a wide-ranging collection of Klezmer tunes and Jewish melodies for violin. Highly flexible to use, the pieces may be performed by a solo violinist or in a variety of instrumental combinations. The music has been carefully edited to create stylistic, authentic arrangements. Ornamentation, bowing and fingering have been included to enable stylistic performances, and there is also guidance on general style, as well as adding your own ornamentation, embellishment and improvisation. The volume is accompanied by audio files for download with a recording of all tunes performed by Ros Stephen with a live backing band, as well as play-along versions of all tracks.