
Kammermusik 1958 über die Hymne In lieblicher Bläue von Friedrich Hölderlin 亨采 讚美歌 總譜 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

1958 年夏天,我在希臘為這部作品繪製了一些草圖。作品完成後,我將它獻給了本傑明-布裡頓。1963 年,在我的老朋友約瑟夫-魯弗 (Josef Rufer) 60 歲生日之際,我為這部作品添加了一個尾聲,其中我重現了整部作品的意境,並引用了舍恩伯格《第一室內交響曲》中的一段話,作為對魯弗的問候

作曲家: Henze, Hans Werner
樂器: tenor, guitar and 8 solo instruments
出版社: Schott Music
A number of sketches for this work were made in Greece in the summer of 1958. When the work was finished, I dedicated it to Benjamin Britten. In 1963, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of my old friend Josef Rufer, I added an epilogue in which I recapture the mood of the whole work and introduce a sort of quotation from Schönberg's Chamber Symphony No. 1, as a greeting to Rufer who devoted his whole life to the Viennese master.- Hans Werner Henze

語言: German
頁數: 80
重量(g): 290
ISMN: 9790001053839
