
Kai for solo cello and ensemble 大提琴 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$2,520TWD - $2,520TWD
$2,520TWD - $2,520TWD

凱》是為紀念 1989 年不幸英年早逝的德國首席大提琴家、現代樂團重要成員凱-舍夫勒而作。 這部長達 18 分鐘的作品分為四個連續樂章,演奏者從開場的咄咄逼人到許多對比鮮明的樂段(通常明顯受到爵士樂的影響),再到最後緩慢的安魂曲。 獨奏部分幾乎完全是抒情的,在伴奏的襯托下延伸出綿長而哀傷的樂句,與之形成鮮明對比的是,伴奏則顯得突兀而幽暗。 這是一部極具挑戰性且極具價值的作品,它已成為當代大提琴曲目的核心

作曲家: Turnage, Mark-Anthony
樂器: cello and ensemble
出版社: Schott Music
Kai' was written in memory of Kai Scheffler, principal cellist and a key member of the Ensemble Modern in Germany, who died tragically young in 1989. The 18 minute work is in four continuous movements and leads the performers from an aggressive opening through many contrasting sections, often distinctly jazz influenced, to a slow final requiem. The solo part is almost exclusively lyrical, stretching out long, mournful lines over an accompaniment which, in contrast, can be abrupt and claustrophobic. This is a challenging and fantastically rewarding work which has established itself in the core of the contemporary cello repertoire.

頁數: 50
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790220130892
UPC: 841886012387

