
Joseph-henri Altes - Celebre Methode Complete De Flute , Vol. 1 長笛

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$2,810TWD - $2,810TWD

"Célèbre Méthode Complète de Flûte(第 1 卷)是長笛學習的全新修訂版。法國長笛演奏家約瑟夫-亨利-阿爾特斯(Joseph-Henri Altès)通過大量練習指導現代技巧。 在第一卷中,完整介紹了長笛及其保養方法,隨後是音色、指法和音域方面的學習。Altès 卷的最後是進一步的漸進練習,以確保順利發展和過渡到第二卷的學習。Célèbre Méthode Complète de Flûte》(第一卷)還考慮了姿勢、發聲、氣息控制、音符值、時間記號和調號等方面的問題。此外,還附有有用的指法表。Célèbre Méthode Complète de Flûte 是長笛初學者的重要進階輔助教材"

作曲家: Joseph-Henri Altes
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Célèbre Méthode Complète de Flûte (Volume 1) is an entirely revised and new approach to Flute studies. French flautist, Joseph-Henri Altès provides instruction on modern technique, supported by expansive exercises. In volume one, a complete description of the Flute and how to maintain it is included, followed by studies in tone, fingering and the range of the instrument. This Altès volume concludes with further progressive exercises to ensure a smooth development and transition to the studies of the second volume. Célèbre Méthode Complète de Flûte (Volume 1) also considers posture, the production of sound, breath control, note values, time signatures and key signatures, among other aspects. Moreover, a helpful fingering chart is included. Célèbre Méthode Complète de Flûte is an important progression aid for Flute beginners.”

頁數: 192
重量(g): 773.955
UPC: 888680845476

