
Jeux - Sonatine pour Flute (ou Violon) et Piano for Flute (or Violin) and Piano 伊貝爾 長笛 鋼琴 長笛 小提琴

$1,440TWD - $1,440TWD
$1,440TWD - $1,440TWD

儘管雅克-伊伯特的學業因第一次世界大戰而中斷,但他還是一舉奪得了羅馬大獎,證明了自己卓越的作曲能力,例如他的Jeux - 長笛(或小提琴)與鋼琴奏鳴曲。Jeux》創作于伊伯特職業生涯的初期,可以用長笛或小提琴演奏。正如曲名所示,這是一首生動活潑的樂曲,反映了作曲家對古典傳統和聲的偏愛,儘管他將其發展成了自己獨特的風格。Jeux 包含 "Animé "和 "Tendre "兩個對比鮮明的樂章,充分利用了長笛的整個音域。這首伊伯特的作品適合中高級長笛演奏者演奏,是長笛曲目中一首悅耳動聽的作品

作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Jeux Sonatine

Despite his studies being interrupted by WWI, Jacques Ibert won the Grand Prix de Rome at his first attempt, proving his significant compositional ability, such as his Jeux - Sonatine for Flute (or Violin) and Piano. Jeux was composed towards the beginning of Ibert's professional career, and can be played on either the fute or violin. As suggested by the title, it is an animated and dynamic piece, reflecting the composer's preferred harmonic choices of the Classical tradition, despite developing it in his unique style. Jeux contains two contrasting movements, “Animé” and “Tendre,” utilising the entire range of the flute. Suitable for intermediate- to advanced-level flautists, this Ibert piece is a pleasant and varied addition to the flute's repertoire.
頁數: 16
重量(g): 110.565
UPC: 888680905880
