
Jean-marie Londeix - Nouvelles Etudes Variees, Pour Saxophone 薩氏管 練習曲

$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD
$1,580TWD - $1,580TWD

"法國薩克斯管演奏家讓-瑪麗-隆戴克斯(生於 1932 年)畢業於巴黎音樂學院,曾獲一等獎和榮譽獎。作為一名出色的全能音樂家,他擁有豐富的經驗,這使得他的研究書籍(包括 Nouvelles Études Variées)內容翔實。 他的職業生涯遍佈世界各地,許多作曲家都為他專門創作了作品。作為其他著名薩克斯管演奏家的優秀教師,他總結出了薩克斯管學習中的不足之處,並創作了六本重要的同類書籍。Nouvelles Études Variées》收錄了以前輩作曲家預先創作的練習曲為基礎的各種調式的練習曲。龍戴克斯充分挖掘薩克斯管的潛能,將重點放在極高音、發音、力度、節奏、樂句、裝飾音、附點音符、音域、節奏和手指練習等方面。由當代著名薩克斯演奏家讓-瑪麗-隆戴克斯(Jean-Marie Londeix)編纂的《Nouvelles Études Variées》對於所有高級薩克斯演奏家來說,都是提高演奏技巧和音樂性的重要指南和説明""

作曲家: Jean-Marie Londeix
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“French saxophonist, Jean-Marie Londeix (b. 1932) graduated from Paris Conservatoire with a First Prize and a Prize of Honour. As a fantastic all-around musician, he has a vast experience which makes his study books, including Nouvelles Études Variées, very well-informed. His career has taken him all over the world and many composers have written works specially for him. As an accomplished teacher of other famous saxophonists, he has deduced where the gaps in studies for the instrument are, composing six significant books of the kind. Nouvelles Études Variées contains a variety of studies in all keys, based on pre-composed exercises by preceding composers. The Saxophone is exploited to its full potential, with Londeix including focus on extreme high notes, articulation, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, ornamentation, accidentals, range, rhythms and finger work, among other aspects. For all advanced saxophonists, Nouvelles Études Variées, compiled by renowned contemporary saxophonist Jean-Marie Londeix, is an essential guide and aid to progression of technique and musicality on the instrument.”

頁數: 28
重量(g): 133.245
UPC: 888680905774

