Jazzy Flute Challenge (10') Pour Flute Et Piano 長笛 鋼琴
"《爵士長笛挑戰》由阿曼多-吉多尼作曲,是一首為長笛和鋼琴伴奏而作的樂曲。樂曲時長約十分鐘,獻給 Maxence Larrieu,是為國際長笛比賽而作。 這首曲子具有相當高的技術性,需要一定的中高級技巧和樂器知識。這是一首令人愉快的記譜爵士樂作品,一定會受到演奏者和聽眾的喜愛。 阿曼多-吉多尼(Armando Ghidoni)是一位擁有義大利血統的法國作曲家,演奏薩克斯管和長笛。自 1989 年以來,他的作品一直由阿爾方斯-勒杜克(Alphonse Leduc)編輯。"
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Jazzy Flute Challenge
“Composed by Armando Ghidoni, Jazzy Flute Challenge is a piece for Flute and Piano accompaniment. Lasting approximately ten minutes, it is dedicated to Maxence Larrieu and was commissioned for the International Flute Contest. Quite technical, this piece requires some upper intermediate/advanced skills and a good knowledge of the instrument. It is an enjoyable notated jazz work which will definitely be loved by players and their audience. Armando Ghidoni is a French composer with Italian origins who plays Saxophone and Flute. He has been edited since 1989 by Alphonse Leduc.”