
Jazz Time In the styles of the jazz greats 爵士音樂 風格 爵士音樂 豎笛 1把以上加鋼琴 博浩版

$1,850TWD - $1,850TWD
$1,850TWD - $1,850TWD

爵士時光 "是一系列令人興奮的爵士樂獨奏曲,適合中級演奏者演奏,再現了爵士樂大師的風格。您也可以像邁爾斯-大衛斯(Miles Davis)、約翰-科爾特蘭(John Coltrane)、查理-伯德-派克(Charlie Bird Parker)、路易士-阿姆斯壯(Louis Armstrong)或德羅尼斯-蒙克(Thelonious Monk)等人一樣演奏!所有三卷(長笛、單簧管和薩克斯管)均可相容。無論是作為獨奏者,還是在任何樂器組合中,都能演奏出真實的聲音"

作曲家: Isacoff, Stuart
樂器: clarinet and piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

A Little Mo' Satch (swing in the style of Louis Armstrong) - Bird Song (in the style of Charlie Bird Parker) - Like a Man Walking on Egg Shells (in the style of Miles Davis) - Mythic Blue - On the Rise - Snow Dance (in the style of Chick Corea) - Sphere (in the style of Thelonious Monk) - Spiritual (gospel in the style of Donald Byrd) - The Gospel Truth (in the style of Stanley Turrentine, David Sanborn and others) - The Master (in the style of John Coltrane) - Weighin' Wayne (in the style of Wayne Shorter)

“Jazz Time” is an exciting series of jazz solos for the intermediate player, recreating the styles of the jazz greats. You too can sound like Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charlie “Bird” Parker, Louis Armstrong or Thelonious Monk, to name but a few!All three volumes (flute, clarinet and saxophone) are compatible. Sound like the real thing, either as a soloist, or in any instrumental combination.
頁數: 44
重量(g): 140
ISMN: 9790060087363
UPC: 73999296969