Introduction et Rondo capriccioso op. 28 聖桑斯 導奏迴旋曲隨想曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
聖桑極大地豐富了小提琴曲目:包括兩首奏鳴曲、三首協奏曲和許多鋼琴或管弦樂隊伴奏的小作品。這部分歸功於他與西班牙小提琴家巴勃羅-德-薩拉薩蒂(Pablo de Sarasate)的友誼。作曲家與這位小提琴家的友誼也是他對西班牙色彩情有獨鍾的原因,這在《引子與隨想曲迴旋曲》作品 28 和《哈瓦那舞曲》中都有明顯體現
作曲家: Saint-Saëns, Camille
編者: Egelhof, Maria
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Saint-Saëns added considerably to the violin repertoire: including two sonatas, three concertos and a number of small works with piano or orchestral accompaniment. That was partly as a result of his friendship with the Spanish violinist Pablo de Sarasate who advised him on what is technically possible on the violin. The composer's friendship with the violinist was also the reason for his penchant for Spanish colour which is clearly evident in 'Introduction et Rondo capriccioso', Op. 28 and in 'Havanaise'.