Indian Melodies Styles 風格 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
本書以五線譜的形式介紹了南北印度音樂,以滿足西方小提琴演奏者的胃口。旋律從大約 4 級水準開始,逐步發展為 GCSE 和 A 級音樂表演材料。在講解南北印度音樂時,還附有兩種音樂體系中的各種拉格和作品。坎迪達-康諾利(Candida Connolly)對這種有趣而優美的音樂進行了翔實的介紹,包括對精緻的裝飾音進行了細緻的解釋。Candida 和她在倫敦 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 中心的同事在隨書附贈的 CD 中演奏了這些樂曲"
作曲家: Connolly, Candida
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Acknowledgements - Foreword - Purpose of this book - Introduction of Indian music - Learning structure - Indian violin - Text explanation - South Indian - North Indian - Appendices
This book presents North and South Indian music in staff notation to whet the appetite of discerning western violin players. The melodies begin at around Grade 4 level, progressing to GCSE and A level music performance material. The explanation of North and South Indian music comes with a variety of ragas and compositions from both systems. Candida Connolly provides an informative introduction to this interesting and beautiful music, including careful explanations of the elaborate ornamentation. The pieces are performed on the accompanying CD by Candida and her colleagues from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Centre, London.