
Improvisation I for Alto Sax 即興演奏 中音薩氏管 薩氏管

$530TWD - $530TWD
$530TWD - $530TWD

野田亮(生於 1948 年)出生於日本,因其具有前瞻性的前衛作品和創新的演奏技巧而備受讚譽。Improvisation 1 也不例外。野田的作曲成就在 1973 年獲得 SACEM 作曲獎時得到了高度認可。一年後,Improvisation 1出版,當時正值野田的事業高峰期。野田將薩克斯管的擴展技巧發揮到了極致,並提供了一份附有書面詞彙的樂譜。不過,在節奏、停頓和彎音方面,大量的解釋工作留給了演奏者。Improvisation 1 以尺八演奏為基礎,尺八是一種日本竹笛,以小五音音階調音。對於所有薩克斯演奏家來說,野田的Improvisation 1都是高級曲目中極好的、多變的補充

作曲家: Ryo Noda
樂器: Alto Sax
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Improvisation 1

Japanese born Ryo Noda (b. 1948) has been hailed for his forward-looking, avant-garde compositions and innovative playing techniques. Improvisation 1 is no exception. Noda's compositional achievements were significantly recognised in 1973 when he was awarded the SACEM Composition Prize. Improvisation 1 was published a year later, at the height of his career. Exploiting extended techniques on the saxophone to their full potential, Noda provides a score with a written glossary. However, a significant amount of interpretation with regards to tempo, pauses and pitch bends is left to the performer. Improvisation 1 is based on Shakuhachi playing, a Japanese flute made of bamboo, tuned to the minor pentatonic scale. For all saxophonists, Noda's Improvisation 1 is an excellent, varied addition to advanced repertoires.
頁數: 4
重量(g): 36.855
UPC: 888680788124
