Impromptu-Caprice Pour la Harpe Op. 9
加布裡埃爾-皮耶內(Gabriel Pierné,1863-1937 年)是法國作曲家、指揮家和管風琴家。他的作品《即興小品》(Impromptu-Caprice)是豎琴演奏家的高級曲目中最受歡迎的演奏曲目。皮耶內曾在巴黎音樂學院學習,1910 年擔任系列音樂會 Concerts Colonne 的首席指揮。在此期間,他指揮了伊戈爾-斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)的《火鳥》的世界首演。皮耶內為多種樂器作曲,即興小品是他的四部獨奏作品之一。皮耶內的這首豎琴作品包含許多典型的法國風格特徵,如明顯的節奏變化、半音階的華彩和許多動態變化。Impromptu-Caprice是有抱負的豎琴演奏家演奏曲目中不可或缺的多變曲目"
作曲家: Gabriel Pierné
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937) was a French composer, conductor and organist. Despite being predominantly remembered as a conductor, his Impromptu-Caprice remains a popular performance piece in the advanced harpists' repertoire. Pierné studied at the Paris Conservatoire before taking up the position of chief conductor for the concert series, Concerts Colonne in 1910. He remained in the post until 1933, and during this time, he notably conducted the world premiere of Igor Stravinsky's The Firebird. Pierné composed for a variety of instruments, Impromptu-Caprice being one of four solo works by the composer. This Pierné piece for harp contains many characteristics typical of the French style, such as significant tempo changes, flourishes of semiquavers and many alterations in dynamics. Impromptu-Caprice is a varied piece essential to the repertoire of aspiring harpists.